Tuna Does Vegas
TUNA DOES VEGAS…and the Greater Lewisville Community Theater (GLCT) DOES TUNA. Not only does GLCT do TUNA, they do TUNA well. TUNA DOES VEGAS is the 4th play in the GREATER TUNA series created by Jaston Williams, Joe Sears and …
TUNA DOES VEGAS…and the Greater Lewisville Community Theater (GLCT) DOES TUNA. Not only does GLCT do TUNA, they do TUNA well. TUNA DOES VEGAS is the 4th play in the GREATER TUNA series created by Jaston Williams, Joe Sears and …
Anything Goes by the Stolen Shakespeare Guild was truly “Delovely”. The fun began the moment the lights dimmed for the beginning of the musical. The cast paraded out to the spot light, one at a time, introducing themselves with their …
I was doing some work in the office and I found an old intake sheet from a potential client for a bankruptcy. I decided to look up to see if that client had found another attorney. A little background on …
I recently read an article in Money magazine’s August issue called The Financial Fix. The premise “These late-in-life parents want to retire at the same time they’ll be paying three college tuition bills. Can they do it?” I was a …
Hollywood has missed the mark. I hate remakes. To me, remaking a movie, screams “lack of originality”. I know I know. Maybe you can make it better or place your ‘stamp’ on it. Bottom line is, it is still a remake. …
I’m in the process of redesigning my blog. I figured “Difficult Times” was a little oft-putting so I went with Legal E. Let me know what you think. Basically going to try and cover whatever suits my fancy.
Oh what joy the audience will see, when these characters practice to deceive! Dirty Rotten Scoundrels by Runway Theatre is ALL about the CON. Lawrence is a suave, smooth talking con man with a pretty sweet set up in Beaumont …
“Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes How do you measure, measure a year?” (Seasons of Love) How do you measure a year? That’s the question …
Who will you vote for? November by David Mamet, a political comedy about the final days of a President’s first term in office, is Stage West’s satirical answer. The play opens with the President mere weeks away from the November …
To see, or not to see, that is the question. In my opinion, the only answer is – TO SEE. The back story for this particular play is as intriguing and enchanting as the play itself. According to the “cheat …