Touched by the SON…

As a Christian I find spiritual meaning in a lot of different places.  I particularly enjoy Carly Simon’s music and have found my self swapping “SON” for “sun” when singing along with her song “Touched by the Sun”.  The sun is the center of our solar system.  Without it all life would cease.  As Christians the SON should be the center of our soular system.

If you want to be brave
And reach for the top of the sky
And the farthest point on the horizon
Do you know who you’ll meet there
Great soldiers and seafarers,
Artists and dreamers
Who need to be close, close to the light
They need to be in danger of burning by fire
And I, I want to get there
I, I want to be one
One who is touched by the SON,
One who is touched by the SON

As a Christian I want to be one who is touched by the SON.  I want to feel his presence in my life.  I want to feel the burning, yearning desire to be part of HIS holiness.

Often I want to walk
The safe side of the street
And lull myself to sleep
And dull my pain
But deep down inside I know
I’ve got to learn from the greats,
Earn my right to be living,
Let my wings of desire
Soar over the night
I need to let them say
“She must have been mad”
And I, I want to get there
I, I want to be one
One who is touched by the SON,
One who is touched by the SON

This goes along with my post about talents.  Sometimes I want to just phone in my life.  Take the easy way out.  Come home every day and just lay on the couch and dull my senses with TV and beer, but deep inside I feel this yearning for more.  That my talents are wasted and that I was built for a grander purpose.

I’ve got to learn from the greats,
Earn my right to be living,
With every breath that I take,
Every heartbeat
And I, I want to get there
I, I want to be one, One who is touched by the SON,
One who is touched by the SON.

As Christians I think we all want to “get there”.  To be touched by the SON.  I think we all want to walk through the gates of heaven and hear those words…”Well done, good and faithful servant” Mathew 25:21

To that end then I say….start today.  Start now.  Take that first step.  Everyone’s journey to the end will be different.  The key is that it is a journey.  Always moving forward…


Posted in Life

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