Blog Archives

In Honor of HUMP DAY!

Posted in Life

Egypt & Libya

I usually don’t get mainstream or political but correct me if I’m wrong.  I think we could just scale back the scope of things and view everything from a small town neighborhood perspective.  So, on 9/11 Muslims “protesting” attacked US

Posted in Life

Global Alien Apocalypse….

I hope it happens.  That’s right.  I put it out there.  I’m hoping for a Global Alien Apocalypse…not the kind that comes from Obama legalizing thousands of illegal immigrants (which is, according to some, what will happen).  No.  I’m talking

Posted in Life

The Pot calling the Kettle Black…

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything…mostly theater reviews.  However, I feel led to give my opinion on a certain matter.  I’ve been doing a lot of research lately on mortgage backed securities and the current real estate/foreclosure problems

Posted in Life, The Law

You get what you pay for…

I was doing some work in the office and I found an old intake sheet from a potential client for a bankruptcy.  I decided to look up to see if that client had found another attorney.  A little background on

Posted in Bankruptcy, Life

Reality Fix

I recently read an article in Money magazine’s August issue called The Financial Fix.  The premise “These late-in-life parents want to retire at the same time they’ll be paying three college tuition bills. Can they do it?”  I was a

Posted in Bankruptcy, Life

Been there….Done that

Hollywood has missed the mark.  I hate remakes.  To me, remaking a movie, screams “lack of originality”.  I know I know.  Maybe you can make it better or place your ‘stamp’ on it.  Bottom line is, it is still a remake. 

Posted in Life


I’m in the process of redesigning my blog.  I figured “Difficult Times” was a little oft-putting so I went with Legal E.  Let me know what you think.  Basically going to try and cover whatever suits my fancy.

Posted in Life

In the beginning…

We live in a fallen world where life isn’t always easy.  In fact, sometimes, it’s downright horrible.  Divorce.  Crime.  Financial Problems.  Civil Suits.  Death. Divorce rates vary but statistically hover between 40-50% of all first marriages.  Additional statistics push secondary

Posted in Bankruptcy, Life, The Law