Category: Life
Egypt & Libya
I usually don’t get mainstream or political but correct me if I’m wrong. I think we could just scale back the scope of things and view everything from a small town neighborhood perspective. So, on 9/11 Muslims “protesting” attacked US …
Global Alien Apocalypse….
I hope it happens. That’s right. I put it out there. I’m hoping for a Global Alien Apocalypse…not the kind that comes from Obama legalizing thousands of illegal immigrants (which is, according to some, what will happen). No. I’m talking …
The Pot calling the Kettle Black…
It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything…mostly theater reviews. However, I feel led to give my opinion on a certain matter. I’ve been doing a lot of research lately on mortgage backed securities and the current real estate/foreclosure problems …
You get what you pay for…
I was doing some work in the office and I found an old intake sheet from a potential client for a bankruptcy. I decided to look up to see if that client had found another attorney. A little background on …
Reality Fix
I recently read an article in Money magazine’s August issue called The Financial Fix. The premise “These late-in-life parents want to retire at the same time they’ll be paying three college tuition bills. Can they do it?” I was a …
Been there….Done that
Hollywood has missed the mark. I hate remakes. To me, remaking a movie, screams “lack of originality”. I know I know. Maybe you can make it better or place your ‘stamp’ on it. Bottom line is, it is still a remake. …
I’m in the process of redesigning my blog. I figured “Difficult Times” was a little oft-putting so I went with Legal E. Let me know what you think. Basically going to try and cover whatever suits my fancy.
In the beginning…
We live in a fallen world where life isn’t always easy. In fact, sometimes, it’s downright horrible. Divorce. Crime. Financial Problems. Civil Suits. Death. Divorce rates vary but statistically hover between 40-50% of all first marriages. Additional statistics push secondary …